In Real Estate, there are 2 key growth paths - Sales and Leadership. Many people can excel at Sales, but not at Leadership. And vice versa.
The great thing about Stuart is that he is one of those rare souls who manage to gently balance both Sales & Leadership.
From the very first meeting, he struck me as a person who is authentic, kind and a deep thinker. He possess extensive experience in the market and regularly shares his knowledge, insights and foresight of trends as well as how best to support a wide spectrum of clients.
As a leader, he is generous, encouraging and has a deep understanding for human nature. With his patient mentorship, I have been getting good insights on how to best grow and groom my team. He has been the best guide and catalyst for me to develop my leadership capacity and capabilities.
I definitely look forward to growing with NAVIS for the many years to come! =D
Diana Teow
Huttons Group

I have been in real estate industry for 14years. Throughout my journey, only SCG melted my heart and made me feel like home. The sharing culture of being in the SCG's family gives me the confidence to take on team building seriously.
Stuart is a selfless leader who devotes his time on building the knowledge of every associate.
In a fast growing technology world, Stuart has the foresight and vision to ensure everyone builds a good personal brand and level up our marketing capabilities through various social media skills.
Thanks to his weekly digital marketing session, many of us have benefited in building our social media exposure.
People who joined me grew in skills with the complete training programmes provided in SCG and in Huttons.
My team is proud and blessed to be in Stuart’s group! Thanks. 😀
Maine Soh | Associate Division Director
Huttons Project In Charge
In this past 11 months after joining SCG and Team Genesis, my team grew from 5 to 30+ pax.
It is much easier for me grow my team with the complete training programmes, technology and awesome overall team support.
On top of that, Stuart personal weekly digital mentorship to the team helps the team alot in starting with their social media exposure!!
Am really glad to be part of Stuart’s group!
Damian Chia
Senior District Director
Project In Charge

On a personal level, Stuart is a mentor, encourager and a dear friend. On a group level, Stuart is a thinker, visionary and an analyst.
Through his leadership and unique gifts, together with the complementary strengths of other leaders, he has brought us to a new level as a property consultant, equipping us with a skill set to meet the challenges of today's competitive market.
I have learnt so much from his Advisory Sales Masterclass training which is a must for every property agent. He also spends hours in research to keep us up to date with the latest market trends and the implications for agents. I am glad to be part of Stuart's team for the past 5 years!
Danny Han | Senior Associate Group Director
OrangeTee & Tie Top 5% Achiever 2018
Stuart has been my manager and division Director since the 1st day I joined the Real Estate Industry in 2007.
He has been pushing my limits from being a normal Salesperson to now a Division Director leading a team of 20+ real estate agents myself.
His thirst for knowledge is really superb and willingness to share trade secrets with all his agents has created a very open and healthy business environment for all of us.
He leads by example and will always be my business role model!
Calvin Koh
Senior District Director
Huttons Group

Stuart has been an amazing breath of fresh air to me and my team of property agents.
His leadership style is genuine and sincere and he never hesitates to spend time with us to help us become better versions of ourselves.
His advice and counsel has been invaluable towards helping me grow in my team building while continually attaining top achiever awards in OrangeTee & Tie.
Thank you sooooooo much for everything!
Carol Liew
Senior District Director
Huttons Group
I have come a long way with Stuart, more than 8 years through my real estate career.
He is my mentor since day 1 and will always stay the same.
I believe all real estate managers will be able to provide the same teachings and strategies but what makes Stuart different is his loving care and concern, going beyond just mentoring but to ensure our hearts are well taken care of.
He will also go the extra to motivate and encourage us to do much more and yet nurture our minds.
Jason Ang
Senior District Director
Huttons Group

Stuart, as a mentor, has an innate ability to identify and draw out a mentee’s hidden talents and abilities to help the person SHINE.
He also has a big heart to genuinely feel happy and celebrate someone’s success. His tender loving small eyes makes him a good shepherd 🤣 a fatal attraction.
He’s never proud, approachable and prays for his sheep. Good man!
Gary Goh | Senior Associate Group Director
A man with forward thinking, embrace change and leads by example.
This man is none other than Stuart Chng, someone that is full of passion in his work & dedicates full time to his division and NLG.
The lighter side of him is a jovial & cheeky friend.
It is indeed our privilege & honour having him steering my team & me towards greater heights and break out from our comfort zones.
Yap Boon Seng
Senior Group District Director
Huttons Group

Stuart - My Coach, Mentor & Friend.
As a coach he always equips the team with the best resources and training.
As a Mentor he is able to observe, listen, guide and push you to your next breakthrough in your career in real estate.
My personal breakthroughs in property sales is a result of his mentoring.
As a friend, he is trustworthy & a fun guy to hang out with.
Ron Chong
Associate Division Director
Huttons Group
Since the start of my property career as a rookie agent, to a producer, team leader and to a District Director today, Stuart has been showing me the way.
In my rookie days, Stuart helped me in my first late night closing.
He showed me why time is of the essence in closing a deal. The importance of understanding the client's needs and how negotiations should be carried out.
These are the basic yet valuable skill sets which I have used and kept with me till today.
His selfless sharing has had a great impact on me. I learned how to be a great team leader from him and found out building a team can be fun and fulfilling at the same time.
In short, he is a great friend, a trustworthy mentor and an inspiring leader!
Jackie Mang
Senior Group District Director
Huttons Group

Stuart is a very encouraging leader. He believes in our potential and always makes it a point to encourage and motivate us in a positive manner.
He is always ready to lend a listening ear whenever my agents and I approach him for advice.
Unselfishly, he ensures all of us are equipped with the knowledge on the property market trends and developments.
We are very grateful and happy to have him with us!
Lean Cheong
Senior Group District Director
Huttons Group
I am personally very inspired by Stuart. He is a man of great capacity and able to plan, run many trainings, events & yet has time for a one to one mentorship when one asks for it.
Many times I have gone to him for advice and he has personally sat down to discuss and share insights with me.
Stuart is one person who has pushed me to do things beyond what I can see on the surface and believed that I have more potential for growth.
Because of him, I have seen great growth in areas I have never seen before and I have taken the challenge to start inspiring others through trainings too!
Thank You Stuart for believing in me!
Sherry Ang
Group District Director
Huttons Group

I have known Stuart for only a short 2 years but it seems like we have been great friends for a decade.
The reason is because he is always so friendly and approachable and he takes great interests in the people around him.
Every time I’m with him, he never fails to amaze me with his never-ending energy and boundless knowledge.
With his great attitude to his team and his peers, he will definitely be someone whom you want to be around with and he will be someone who motivates and pushes you to much greater heights.
Jeffrey Heng
Senior Group District Director
Huttons Group
Stuart belongs to a special breed of wonderful people.
When I first joined his team 7 years ago, I was blown away by how selflessly he shares his knowledge and resources.
Because of his leadership and astute sense of market, I manage to experience my first breakthrough in real estate as a young agent.
Being under his leadership for the past 7 years, I also observed that he is a keen observer of trends and is able to identify changing waves in the market and leads the team to ride the waves to handle the various challenges.
I'm grateful to be under his leadership as over time, Stuart has proven himself to be more than just a skillful leader but also a good friend whom I know will always have our backs and help us in our journey to be better realtors and better people.
Chantel Teo Jia Min
Senior Marketing Director
Huttons Group

There are many top producing and capable leaders in this industry. Among them, there is none as capable and caring as Stuart.
Not only is he highly knowledgeable, he willingly shares with me his knowledge and I learnt a lot from him.
Stuart is very forward looking and patient. He makes it a point to follow up on all our enquiries.
Besides encouraging us, he supports us whenever possible in every way he could. He is passionate about his work and cares very much for all those around him.
I consider Stuart as my mentor.
This is one of the reasons my Division and I made the right decision to crossover to join him.
Anthony Yeo
Group District Director
Huttons Group
Stuart is knowledgeable, committed and most importantly, a sincere leader. It has been my great pleasure to come under his wing when our whole division exit from another agency to join him.
Stuart shows a genuine interest in his associates and has always shared his knowledge and skills to help us find success and gratification in our real estate career.
I am one of the beneficiaries of his unreserved sharing and mentoring.
Thanks Stuart, for being approachable, for having the ability to listen and most of all for investing your time in me.
My heartfelt gratitude to you for guiding me through concrete plans in which I can do better in my career. Thank you for journeying with me
Jacqueline Ng
Division Director
Huttons Group

Have always admired Stuart and his division from afar.
Having crossed path during our time in Savills and GoChina programme, I've found Stuart to be very dynamic, intelligent, empathetic and full of heart.
He's a master in marketing and branding.
Love what he's done with his East Living Group and subsequently Navis Living Group...
So much so I joined him two years ago!
Farrand Hey
Division Director
Huttons Group
Stuart is a humble and selfless leader.
He's also an approachable guy who is willing to hear you out and guide you with the best advice and action plans.
I am truly grateful to have a mentor like him to bounce ideas of often and help me succeed in my business.
Melvin Gan
Senior Marketing Director
Huttons Group

Stuart has been my close buddy and real estate mentor for many years.
I have great admiration for Stuart’s passion and energy in this business and how he has managed to influence so many of us positively!
He is constantly keeping in touch and training our agents with the right knowledge, mindset, skills and technology which are very much needed in this challenging business.
Truly a well respected leader, trainer and mentor!
Benny Poh
District Director
Huttons Group
Stuart is one of the most inspiring and motivational real estate leaders that I have met.
He possesses all the positive mindset in him, which leads to his team to have many positive people around working together to achieve their success.
He leads by example and is very down to earth and very approachable. If you need advice from him, be it personal career development or real estate related issue, he will be there for you.
With extensive in-depth knowledge of real estate to financing to personal development, he is someone who can share whatever he knows and advise you and guide you well.
A great and humble leader that you can follow.
Darren Ong
District Director
Huttons Group

Ever since joining Stuart, I have discovered many new innovative ways to grow in my business.
I have also learnt a lot about how to build my business better with more scalability through his very hands-on mentorship.
In fact within a short span of 3 months of joining him, I’ve achieved so much more than before and am confident of breaking my personal best sales record this year.
Thank you Stuart and very happy to be in your team!
Rick Huang
Division Director
Huttons Group
I know Stuart when I started my real estate career in year 2008.
As a rookie in the real estate industry, I always admired him & he was always a popular mentor to his downlines.
Stuart is very approachable, focused on results & a go-getter in this business.
He has good leadership traits and spends a lot of time & energy in helping new & experienced agents.
He is admired by many in this industry & his team has grown tremendously.
It’s my privilege to know him as a friend, mentor & a true leader.
Kash Loomba

Stuart Chng is an exceptional trainer. His professionalism and dedication in class have inspired his associates to do their utmost.
He is able to identify our training needs and design well-structured courses to enhance the work efficiency and develop the skills of his associates.
He is very encouraging during lessons and always makes sure the participants clarify their doubts through questions.
He also emphasizes active participation through activities rather than just passive learning from materials.
As a coach, his commitment and willingness to sacrifice personal time to be on the ground to selflessly share his knowledge and experience is remarkable.
Stuart’s wealth of industry knowledge, passion and effective communication have made him an excellent trainer for real estate agents.
Christine Kang
Have known Stuart for 5 years and started to work with him since 2017, describing him as amazing is an understatement.
He is very creative with lots of new ideas to grow our group.
He is also very hardworking; I often received his messages late into the night. As a friend, he is fun to hang out with.
He is a well known speaker, trainer and a very respected mentor to his people. Exceptional Talent!
Gary Chua
Co-Founder Navis Living Group

Stuart is a knowledgeable and forward looking leader.
He is not only a thinker who is able to analyze issues in-depth, he is also an action taker who is always driving us forward.
Coming under his wings for almost a year, Stuart has elevated my knowledge in sales and team building.
Most importantly, he has inspired me to look at my real estate career from another perspective.
After almost 2 decades in the industry, I feel a personal breakthrough as he brought my career to another level.
Vivian Chong
Associate District Director
Huttons Group
Stuart is a mentor with a caring heart and vision for the team to bring us together as one to greater heights.
My team has grown with mentorship given by Stuart with his encouragement and professionalism in how to build strong teams.
His sincerity and generosity to share and give of his time and talent has been a blessing to me.
Jacquelyn Wong,
With Heartfelt thankfulness
Associate District Director

Looking for great career mentorship to shorten your learning curve?
Get a 1-time free 30 min career consultation with Stuart and his leaders. Schedule one right now.